The "SOS-AFP" petition, which ran from late 2008 to early 2012, was organised and launched by:
- CGT: The AFP branches of the CGT National Journalist’s Union:, of the FILPAC-CGT and SGLCE-CGT print unions.
- SNJ: The French National Journalists’ Union and its AFP branch
- CFDT: The French Democratic Labour Federation’s Journalists’ Union (USJ-CFDT) , the CFDT Communication and Culture Confederation and their AFP branches.
- Force Ouvrière: General Journalists’ Union the National FO Press, Publishing and Advertising Union and their AFP branches
- The Solidarity, Unity and Democracy Culture union and its AFP branch, SUD-AFP
- CFE-CGC: The AFP branch of the SNAREP-CFE-CGC union of marketing professionals
From mid-2009 the six unions were joined by the newly-formed Association to Defend the Independence of Agence France-Presse, ADIAFP